Gabriel “pinguinho” Baleeiro wins WCOOP event 94-M

Gabriel “pinguinho” Baleeiro wins WCOOP event 94-M

Online series game collector Gabriel Baleeiro will once again take home the WCOOP trophy. On Saturday night, the 30th, he took the podium in the 94-M: $109 NL Hold’em (6-a-side). While the pilot of account “pinguinho” won $30,638, Lucas “mennck” Menck (third place) and Daniel “77.danielw” Wellington (fourth place) earned $14,874 and $10,363 respectively in the finals Dollar bonus.

Tomás “T01010011” Schulz also won again at WCOOP. He finished first out of 2,327 entrants in Event 90-M: $109 NL Hold’em (Deep Stacks), adding $34,356 to his bankroll.

In Event 88-L: $33 NL Hold’em ” Ghiiiiiisi ” defeated 3,946 opponents. His wins in PokerStars tournaments earned him a total of $16,925.

Meanwhile, Matheus “zilbeee” Zilberknop was eliminated heads-up in the $1,050 World NL 2-7 heads-up draw. In addition to the silver medal, the man from Rio Grande do Sul received $12,703 in prize money.

Also at the WCOOP, “myky1993” earned $10,279 in fourth place in Event 94-L: $11 NL Hold’em (6 max).

Gabriel “pinguinho” Baleeiro wins WCOOP event 94-M

Comments (5)

  • The text highlights the achievements of several online series game collectors in the WCOOP tournament, showcasing their winnings and rankings in different events. It demonstrates their skill and success in the world of online gaming.

  • This text highlights the achievements of several online series game players at the WCOOP, including Gabriel Baleeiro winning the trophy and earning $30,638, and Tomás Schulz finishing first and adding $34,356 to his bankroll. It also mentions the successes of other players, such as Ghiiiiiisi and myky1993, who earned prize money in their respective events.

  • Alfreda.klein

    The text highlights the success of online series game collectors Gabriel Baleeiro and Tomás Schulz at the WCOOP. It also mentions the achievements of other players, such as Ghiiiiiisi and Matheus Zilberknop, in various PokerStars tournaments.

  • This text highlights the success of online series game collectors Gabriel Baleeiro, Tomás Schulz, and other players in various WCOOP events. It showcases their impressive earnings and achievements in PokerStars tournaments.

  • Heathcote.brandy

    This text highlights the success of several online series game players in various tournaments, with Gabriel Baleeiro taking home the WCOOP trophy. It showcases the talent and earnings of these skilled players in different events, showing the competitive nature of online poker.

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